Love you, Mom

Dear mom,

    I'm not sure where to begin to express how much I admire you as a mother. There are so many things you've taught me — your counsel since I was a child, how to be a decent guy, and how to struggle to achieve. You were always open and honest with me, telling me about your background, how your family fought through difficult times, and why you wanted things to be better for us. You taught me how to pray and provided me with information. You told me many times how difficult it is to be a woman, but you also taught me compassion. Even though you and I had rough times, I feel those experiences helped me become the person I am today. 

    I know I don't always tell or show you, but trust me when I say that I'm always thinking of ways to help you. I wish I could see you every day but this pandemic is stopping us from seeing each other personally. Mom, don't worry about me, continue to care and save lives being a nurse abroad, OFWs are the unsung heroes of these country because they provide both care and money. I wish we could be together without having to worry about the mischief, school, home, and all the other things that gives a bit of trouble, they appear insignificant at times. I want you to know that for the past sixteen years, I've always knew I could depend on you. Your heart is large, and you love me as much as you love the rest of our family. Thank you a million times over for that!

    Mama, it’s tough to imagine my life without you. Just from thinking about the fact that the reality is just that, one day you won’t be here, I nearly die inside. I love you a lot, Mamang, and appreciate all you’ve done for your children, for me, for our family, and for the woman and mother you are.

    As we celebrate Mother’s Day, I hope you remember all you’ve done in your life, how much we love you, and how much I admire you. Nag-anus ka nga mangay-aywan kanyak, agraman kenni semi-mamang ko nga Andring. Ammok nga haan nak pay disiplinado unay, ubraek diay maubra nga mayat tapno mabayadak dejy parikot nga inted yu kanyak. Agyamanak ti panag-suporta yu kanyak. Bareng makapagpalpas nak nga agadal para mairugik diay panagited ko kanyayo ti banbanag nga kaparparis ti inted yo. Manen, agyamanak kadakayo.


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