Second Quarter's A Pressure Cooker


    Well, I'd be a fool if I didn't believe that a topic like ICT is difficult, demanding, and nerve-wracking. The level of anxiety I'm feeling about answering this is immense, because my ICT grade in the first quarter was surprisingly and incredibly poor, despite the fact that ICT was my greatest subject in previous school years, including primary school. My self-esteem and confidence were shattered, and I lost motivation to accomplish anything, even home chores. How did it get to this point? What may have triggered this? I'm not sure, but I'll attempt to keep my cool and continue cross-typing on a keyboard while trying to figure out what's wrong. I'm still pleased that it wasn't very low, although it was by my own standards. But don't worry, I'm not going to be blown up or anything; it's just something I can't swallow. We're almost halfway through the school year, and there's still a lot more to come.

    But I'm glad I'm still learning, because not every kid is in the same boat as me, and things are still looking up. Even though we all know that face-to-face lessons are far more effective and successful, we are all striving to obtain information and receive the high-quality education that we deserve. I studied and found that in times of adversity, you should push yourself to obtain educational strength and wisdom by weighing educational information and not giving up until you lift it. That's the ideal thing because I'm not just providing my brain the academic information it needs, but also the wisdom about life that it craves, but unfortunately, some schools still don't get the point of studying for gains.

    That aside, the central ICT topic was basic HTML, which was a relief for me because I am vey familiar with HTML, since I took a class about this when I was on elementary. It is fun, and it’s alright. Although in my own opinion, the methods and techniques taught from the modules is too old and out-of date for me. They should prioritize teaching apps that makes it more convenient and easier to understand, like Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code. It is in everyone’s PC, laptop, but arises the problem where it is limited to phone users. So, I think using basic documents, like notepad should be fine by now. Sometimes, doings blogs are a pain in the gut. Personally, it is very difficult to come up with passages and proses, interesting words, and such. This Second Quarter was fine, for now.

    Moving on I'll use everything I've learned this quarter to communicate my thoughts and opinions on a variety of subjects. Working with HTML motivates me to grow as a writer and a computer geek. It also helps me to improve my writing ability. It encourages me to utilize the Internet and the World Wide Web, as well as to use the modify HTML technique to ruin other people's days. I am pleased to be a student at such a school.

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